About me

I am Daniel Bristot de Oliveira,

I am a computer scientist specializing in the Linux kernel and real-time systems. I have 15+ years of experience in the development of embedded and real-time systems. My current position is Senior Principal Software Engineer in the real-time kernel team at Red Hat.

I have a Ph.D. in Automation and Systems Engineering at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil) and in Computer Engineering – Embedded Systems at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy) (joint-degree/cotutelle). I am also affiliated with the Retis Lab at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.

In the last decade I have been working on developing the real-time features of the Linux kernel. I am the author of the timerlat and osnoise tracers, as well as the rtla (real-time Linux analys tool) part of the Kernel. I help the maintenance of real-time related tracers and toolings and the SCHED_DEADLINE. He I am also an active member of the real-time academic community, participating in the technical program committee of academic conferences, such as RTSS, RTAS, and ECRTS.

Soy gaucho, y entiendanló
como mi lengua lo esplica,
para mí la tierra es chica
y pudiera ser mayor,
ni la víbora me pica
ni quema mi frente el Sol.

Mas ande otro criollo pasa
Martín Fierro ha de pasar,
nada lo hace recular
ni las fantasmas lo espantan;
y dende que todos cantan
yo también quiero cantar.

Yo soy toro en mi rodeo
y toraso en rodeo ageno